Cookie Policy


When you use our website to browse our products and services and view the information we make available, a number of cookies are used by us and by third parties to allow the website to function, to collect useful information about visitors and to help to make your user experience better.

First Party Cookies

Some of the cookies we use are strictly necessary for our website to function, and we don’t ask for your consent to place these on your computer. These cookies are shown below.


Cookie Name


Further Information



Google Analytics

These cookies are used to monitor and analyse traffic and track user behaviour through our Google platform. This information contributes to improving our service and experience available on our websites.



Internal Analytics

These cookies are used to monitor and analyse traffic and track user behaviour through our Internal platform. This information contributes to improving our service and experience available on our websites.



This cookie is used to identify your current browsing session on our shop. This is to present a consistent experience during a single visit to our shop. It will expire at the end of a browsing session.



This cookie is used to identify you across multiple sessions to our websites. This is to maintain certain statuses between visits and hosts such as whether you have items in your basket or you are logged on the site. This expired 18 months after creation.


(or similar number)


This cookie is to remember your response to the Splash screens we periodically use when visiting our site.



This cookie it to remember your response to the EU Cookie compliance message presented when first visiting our site.



This cookie is used to record whether your browser has javascript enabled. This allows us to use some additional functionality on the site.



This cookie is to remember which text size you have selected to view our site.


All cookies placed by, or on behalf of our site will be from the domain and are not accessible to other sites not part of our systems.

Third Party Cookies           

Currently we do not have any third party cookies being placed on your machine for services on our websites. If this were to change this would only be done with your consent.